Phoenix Rising FC issues season-long credentials to recognized media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, digital publications, radio, and television. Freelance photographers are typically not granted access unless assigned to cover a specific story by a recognized outlet.
Application Window: Season credential applications must be submitted through the online form below during the designated application period.
Match-by-Match RSVP: Season credential holders must RSVP for each match they plan to attend at least 48 hours prior via this form.
Non-Transferability: Credentials are non-transferable. Unauthorized use will result in immediate forfeiture and removal from the stadium.
Liability Waiver: By accepting credentials, media members agree to assume all risks associated with their presence in the stadium and release Phoenix Rising FC and its affiliates from any liability.
Coordinator, Communications
Thank you for your cooperation and coverage of Phoenix Rising FC. We look forward to working with you this season!